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So..What is Real Tennis?

Real Tennis has been around for centuries and gave birth to the modern game of tennis (also known as 'Lawn Tennis') we know today. It is believed to have become popular in French monasteries around 1000 years ago.

Like regular tennis, the court is divided into two ends. Unlike regular tennis, those ends are unequal. The server hits the ball into the ‘hazard’ end, where they win points by ringing those bells (the ‘winning gallery’) or that window (the ‘grille’). The only way the defending player can switch ends is by forcing the server into a ‘chase’ by landing a ball into the server’s end.

Video about The Game


Videos for Juniors

Videos to help Juniors

We all know how difficult it is to explain the rules of our wonderful game to someone who has never played Real Tennis before. Paul Weaver recently started coaching a new group of 8-12 year olds at Seacourt and was worried that juniors were being put off the game as it appeared to be too complicated. He realised how much simpler it would be if there was a series of really simple videos for the juniors to watch at home so that they could start to understand the basic rules. 
As a result and with funding from the Dedanists' Foundation a series of 3 short videos have now been made to help juniors to understand the game. Details of these videos have been sent to all UK club professionals who may be able to use them at their clubs. The videos have  been posted on youtube and are available to view on YouTube as follows:-

Video 1 Chases
Video 2 Serving
Video 3 Winning Openings

Real tennis Courts in Use

Real Tennis Courts in use in the United Kingdom


An illustration of the United Kingdom made from words all relating to Real Tennis. The places where there are courts in use are marked by a green square and then named on the right- hand side.

Updated 8/11/2023             



Webmaster - Tory Wall 2023

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